First, understand the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is actually a group of metabolic diseases. High blood sugar or glucose levels are common in all of these diseases, due to problems with insulin action, secretion or both. Usually, blood glucose levels are controlled well by a hormone made by the pancreas called as insulin. With the hike in blood glucose, insulin is released to regulate the blood glucose level from the pancreas.

Do You Know About Differences of Type 1 And Type2 Diabetes?
Consider insulin as the key to open your cells and allow sugar to enter. If sugar is unable to enter, it builds up in your blood and makes you thirsty and hungry and keeps your body to turn fat for energy. It is the symptoms of diabetes.
In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas stops making insulin. You need insulin injections in your body. You either need more insulin or something to make lock working fine. You can take a bit of rust away from the lock by losing weight, exercising, or medications.

Do You Know About Differences of Type 1 And Type2 Diabetes?
Which Diabetes Is Worse? – Well, it is a confusing question as the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms. Neither is worse than other. Every person is different.
- Type 1 diabetes call for insulin to survive. But type 2 may need a lot of insulin as its resistance increase and production of insulin declines.
- Type 2 diabetes may remain undiagnosed for up to 5 years and have complications. With type 1 diabetes, people get diagnosed faster and can take quick action.
- But people with type 1 diabetes may not live longer always. Some type 1 diabetes gets diagnosed in their early years. Some type 2 diabetes gets diagnosed in teens.
Difference of Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes
Now let’s clear a big myth. If a person is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it’s not the fault of their diet or lifestyle. It is caused more due to genes than anything else. For example, if any of your family members have type 2 Diabetes, you are most likely to develop it. Though staying fit can delay the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, it cannot guarantee the prevention. With great longevity and right genes, you may develop diabetes.

Do You Know About Differences of Type 1 And Type2 Diabetes?
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes need proper control on diet by consuming foods that control blood sugar, proper exercise, and medical treatments so a patient can stay in good health. Some of the untreated patients also experience some common symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and vomiting. Diabetic patients are at risk for infections on the skin, bladder, and vaginal areas. Changes in blood glucose can also cause blurred vision. When levels of blood sugar are very high, it may result in coma and lethargy.

Do You Know About Differences of Type 1 And Type2 Diabetes?
Bottom Line
There are huge differences in type 2 and type 1 diabetes. They also have some major overlaps. You have to know what’s in your food, what’s going on in your body, use medications and insulin properly, stay motivated, and have a good relationship with medical teams. If you have diabetes, you need to try hard to lead a healthy life. Instead of worrying about the worst type, simply focus on recovering and leading a better life.