Characters of Lennie And George
George and Lennie are two migrant workers, who a bus has let off at a great distance from California farm. They are expected to begin work on the farm. Lennie is a giant muscular man who has a shapeless face. George, his companion has strong sharp features and is a small dark man. The two are very thirsty and they stop by a pool and camp there overnight. From their conversation, it is eminent that Lennie has a mental disability and hence depends on George for guidance and protection.
Lennie has the habit of petting soft things, which in most cases he ends up killing. This is a story of the relationship between two friends. George discovers that he has been stroking and carrying a dead mouse. He throws it away and complains angrily to Lennie. The two share a common dream of one day being able to buy their land. For Lennie, he looks forward to keeping rabbits in the land. They end the night by George repeating a story that he often tells to Lennie.
What is This Story
The two report to the nearby ranch the following day. George insists that he should be the one to do all the talking as fears the reaction of the boss to Lennie. They are later on hired after he successfully lies that during Lenny’s childhood, a horse kicked him in the head. Moreover, he lies that they are cousins. They meet are Curley who is the boss’s son and has a mean spirit. He has a flirtatious wife and this makes him possessive and jealous. They also meet Candy who is a handyman, he has an ancient dog and is missing one hand.
Curley’s wife flirts with them, Lennie does not sense any danger but George warns him. Over the lunch hour, they meet Slim. He is a mule driver with a lot of skill and greatly respected on the ranch. He notes that the kind of friendship that exists between Lennie and George is very rare. There is another ranch handyman by the name Carlson. He is the view that Slim should give Candy a puppy and kill Candy’s dog since it is good for nothing.

Read Story Of Migrant Farmers in California-Betrayal Friendship Story
Lennie And George Story
The following day, George informs Slim that they are not cousins with Lennie but childhood friends. He explains the many troubles that Lennie has made them undergo. For example, they abandoned the last job that they had after Lennie was accused of rape because of touching a woman’s dress. Lennie gets a puppy from Slim as Candy is badgered by Carlson to ill his dog. Slim supports Carlson regarding the killing of the dog. Candy finally accepts as Carlson promises to ensure that the job will be done painlessly. Best relationship between George and Lennie is an example of true relations.
Friendship with Lennie And George
Slim thereafter heads to the barn to continue with his work. He is followed by Curley who is on the lookout for his wife. Lennie and George are overheard by Candy talking about plans to buy land. He is willing to do away with his life savings if they allow him to stay there too. They promise each other that their plans should remain a secret. Slim berates Curley regarding the suspicions he had. Since Curley is angry and looking for an easy target, he chooses Lennie for a fight. Curley’s hand is crushed by Lennie in the altercation. He is warned by Slim that he will be the laughing stock if he lets Lennie and George to be fired.

Read Story Of Migrant Farmers in California-Betrayal Friendship Story
George Lennie Farmer Story
The next night the local brothel is visited by most men. Lennie remains with Candy, the lonely, crooks and black stable hand. Curley’s wife while flirting with them notices Lennie’s face has cuts. She suspects that he is responsible for hurting Curley and this amuses her. Lennie mistakenly kills his puppy in the barn and is consoled by Curley’s wife. He informs her that he is fond of petting soft things, she offers her hair to pet. He pulls it tight and she makes noise. He tries to make her keep quite but in the process breaks her neck. The is an example of true friendship between Lennie and George.

Read Story Of Migrant Farmers in California-Betrayal Friendship Story
Lennie And George Hard Work
Lennie runs to a pool they had agreed with George would be their meeting point should they ever be in trouble. The other men arrive and are informed regarding what has happened. They prepare to lynch Lennie. George meets Lennie at the pool and they both talk about their plans regarding purchasing land. George is not mad at Lennie for the offense.
The two overhear the other men coming to lynch Lennie. George shoots Lennie from the back of the head. He convinces the crowd that Lennie already had the gun and that he had wrestled it from him and shot him. Only Slim understands that George had actually done it out of mercy.
Topic ideas
- Foreshadowing role in the book
- Relationship between Lennie and George
- Means of communication used by different characters in the work
Author Bio: The author of this article is Alina Frandus, a writer, and researcher who mainly covers academic content of Ez Assignment Help