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Discover the Advanced Features of Android 7.1.2 Nougat

Discover the Advanced Features of Android 7.1.2 Nougat

Are you an Android user looking for the latest operating system version with advanced features? Look no further than Android 7.1.2 Nougat. Released by Google in 2016, this OS version comes with a host of exciting features that are sure to enhance your smartphone or tablet experience.

Multi-Window Mode in Android 7.1.2 Nougat: Splitting Your Screen for Seamless App Usage.

One of the standout features of version is the multi-window mode, which works on both phones and tablets. This feature allows developers to split the screen mode, allowing their apps to run smoothly without any trouble. Additionally, you can directly respond to messages from the notification bar, without the need to leave the app you’re using or unlock your phone. This is particularly helpful when you want to respond quickly to important messages from a friend or colleague.

Another exciting feature of Android 7.1.2 Nougat is the improved doze mode. This energy-saving mode automatically saves battery energy when your phone is in sleep mode or the screen is turned off. It also alerts you when your battery usage is high, allowing for a smoother transition and potential bug fixes.

In terms of connectivity, Android 7.1.2 Nougat features improved Bluetooth connectivity, making it easier to connect your device with others and share files like pictures, videos, audios, and documents.

Fingerprint performance is also enhanced in this OS version, with mounting speed of screen swipe without any issues. And with the new notification panel, you can now respond to messages directly from within a notification, using the same remote input API that Android Wear makes use of.

Overall, Android 7.1.2 Nougat is a must-have for anyone looking to upgrade their Android experience. This OS version offers a range of exciting features, bug fixes, performance improvements, and stability that will surely enhance your smartphone or tablet experience. So why wait? Install the new Android OS version today and start enjoying all the fun and possible features that come with it.

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