Covid-19 or China Originated Virus In December-2019, has taken the world by storm. It has changed the scenario of the whole world in just a few months. Its outbreak occurred in China and slowly and gradually spread like wildfire.
Out of the many types of CoronaVirus, COVID is of SARS COV-2 type Virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus-2). Not all the Coronaviruses are as serious as the SARS COV-2 type. This particular virus starts as a common cold. Starting with the nose, it affects our respiratory track and gradually enters the lungs causing Pneumonia.
Covid-19 Transmission:

Corona Virus is transmitted from person to person. Hence, it is advisable to always cover our mouths while coughing and sneezing. Spitting in public should be completely avoided and is banned after the pandemic. It also transfers from a person to object and hence, everything bought from out should be disinfected before consuming or putting into use.
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Covid-19 Prevention:
Prevention is better than cure – This always works when a definite treatment for a disease is unknown. Few ways to prevent the spread of this deadly virus include:
- Keep distance (a minimum of 6 feet)
- Avoid Crowded places
- Wear a Mask
- Keep Cleaning your hands (By washing with soap and water for 20 seconds or with a hand sanitizer)
- Avoid Touching Your Face (Especially Eyes, Nose, and Mouth)
These are the basic prevention techniques issued by WHO and Health Ministries – followed worldwide. Besides this, we should avoid going out unless it is necessary or unavoidable. We should also avoid shaking hands while meeting even our near ones. Anything brought from out should be disinfected and used or kept in isolation for a minimum of 2 days.
This is because the virus is said to live up to 48 hours on a surface. Besides this, we need to take the utmost care of small children and aged people as children have a growing immune system while the aged have a declining immune system and both are most vulnerable to catch the infection.
Besides this, a sure shot way to prevent the spreading of this virus is by increasing our immunity. Natural ways of doing so id by doing Yoga and Pranayam, to maintain a balance inside the body.
Covid-19 symptoms:
It usually takes 2 to 14 days for coronavirus symptoms to show. The symptoms vary from mild to moderate to high and the patient is treated according to the severity of symptoms. These include:
- Cough
- High Fever
- Fatigue
- Body pain
- Loss of Sense of smell or taste
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
More serious symptoms include:
- Trouble in Breathing
- Loss of Speech
- Chest Pain
With the increase in the number of cases, People with mild symptoms are usually isolated at home and treated under a doctor’s guidance. Whereas, people with severe symptoms are kept under observation in the hospital.
Severe symptoms lead to the spread of corona in the respiratory system and lead to Pneumonia, lungs/kidney failure, or even death. Many times, coronavirus is confused with the seasonal flu. But there is a difference between the two. Flu symptoms do not show shortness of breath.
Covid-19 Side Effects:

Even after getting cured of a long coronavirus illness, some side effects may persist. People with the past Covid-19 positive record may experience permanent
- Short of Breath
- Tiredness
- Lack of proper communication
- Stress
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Covid-19 Diagnosis:
There are two ways to determine whether a person is infected with a coronavirus or not.
A Swab Test Method deals in putting a swab in the nose and taking samples from inside the nose. It usually takes 24 hours for the results to be out. Some rapid tests, provide results in 15 minutes. A positive Test marks the presence of this virus. Whereas, a negative test may depict the sample is not sufficient to measure. The drawback is, starting stages cannot be determined.
Another method is the Antibody test. This test collects a blood sample to determine whether our body is immune enough to produce antibodies against corona. This test also shows if we have been infected from the present moment to anytime in the past. More tests and ways are been worked upon by the FDA or Food and Drug Administration.
Covid-19 Treatment:
There is no stated cure for Corona so the illness is treated as the symptoms are detected. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used for this purpose. There is no point in using antibiotics as viruses cannot be cured by anti-bacterial drugs. If prescribed, it is for an infection that is detected along with COVID symptoms. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, the two drugs were preferred more by the US Government. They were earlier used for the treatment of Malaria.
But the use of these drugs came with risk factors that outweighed its benefits and hence they are now less preferred in India. Presently for more severe conditions, Convalescent Plasma Method is preferably used by the hospitals. In this method, a person who has suffered from Corona in the past and fully recovered, donate their blood plasma. This in turn is used by the person currently suffering from COVID conditions. This is the safest and surest method to increase antibodies in the system to fight the disease.

Vaccine for Corona virus
The development of the COVID vaccine is under process. Clinical trials have been approved to be taken care of in three rounds. Many research centers and hospitals have started enrolling volunteers to carry out clinical trials for this vaccine. The government proposes to release this vaccine by the end of January-2021. This vaccine would initially be given to the aged as well as children as these people are most vulnerable to this disease.
This vaccine launch has been proposed by the Serum Institute of Pune. Even after the launch of the vaccine, the issue will prevail regarding its bulk manufacturing, owing to the population of our country. Once this is achieved, we would still need to think upon its distribution in remote areas.
The recovery rate of this virus is increasing considerably daily. The death rate is also decreasing daily as compared to an increase in the number of cases. To monitor all of these, the government is also taking stringent steps to control its spread by increasing the number of tests and making people follow quarantine rules if declared positive in the initial stages.
The government has also declared an app called Aarogya Setu which helps in controlling the spread of this deadly virus. As soon as we step out of the house, this app warns us about people who have been tested positive and are in our proximity so that we remain alert and take necessary measures to avoid the infection. So many ways have been issued by the Government to help people realize, the importance of wearing masks.
Post-COVID World:
While the pandemic has brought about a great loss to many small scale businesses and firms, it has brought a significant change in the digital revolution or Digitization. It has developed a spirit in people to thrive for existence. People have moved on to find ways to get work done by sitting at home. The cashless payment method has been booming as it is the safest mode of money transfer to avoid the risk of getting infected.
This has brought about internal globalization in the country as we seek methods to manufacture things in India to promote less movement from Out of India. We have turned toward a greener Earth indeed! Schools and Universities have found ways to keep on thriving by going online. It has reduced the crime rate in the country. Surveillance cameras have been helping the police to issue challans and punish people who break the rules.
A COVID free world is all that everyone thrives for!!
Krisha Bhupatani
An engineering graduate having the flair to grow as a content writer. Being a new mommy, she has started chasing her passion for writing along with her family responsibilities at home.