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Coronavirus Vaccine You Need To Know - Absfly Stay Quarantine
coronavirus vaccine
Health & Fitness

Coronavirus Vaccine You Need To Know

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What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a virus mostly found in birds and animals but can also be passed to humans. Coronavirus vaccine is not made yet. If infected the virus attacks the respiratory system of the human body but attacks other parts of the body in case of animals or birds.

Corona virus got its name from the Latin word corona meaning crown. This is due to its symbolism with the shape of a crown/sun under microscopic observation.

Coronavirus history was dated in the early 60’s from humans with colds. The first infected humans experienced flu-like symptoms, high fever and shortness of breath as the major identifying factors. By then the doctors had not come up with a name for it yet and most called it the SARs-COV, due to the patients who had severe tract infections.

There are various Coronavirus symptoms. First, patients tend to experience cough, high fever, tiredness, severe tract infections, and in worst cases shortness of breath or sometimes total inability to breathe which can be fatal if not attended to immediately. Coronavirus vaccine if once made then WHO will give full fledged information about it.

The virus spreads widely among patients with preexisting conditions like asthma, diabetes, HIV and Aids, Heart disease among other incurable diseases.

It also kills quickly, when an infected person has a low immune system which can be easily crashed by the virus.

Coronavirus spreads through contact with an infected person, or fluids from an infected person which might have landed on either clothing, wood, metals or any surfaces.

It can also be transferred directly, if an infected person sneezes or coughs at you or your body. Although we have to be very clear on the fact that the virus is not airborne.

Infected persons are advised to put on disposable masks, and avoid use of handkerchiefs. But if you are not infected there is no need to wear a mask.

Mostly you can infect yourself if you touch your nose, mouth or face generally after touching an infected surface.

At the moment, corona virus is considered a world pandemic since it has no cure nor vaccine. People have come up with different cures and assumptions like drinking black sugarless tea, among other beliefs, but that’s yet to be medically proven.

 At the moment, medical doctors are still working on ways to find coronavirus vaccine and monitoring new infections among individuals.

To date, Corona virus Treatment has not been found. Most infected people are mostly confined in a secluded area from the rest of the population to minimize the levels of infections and put on oxygen support to curb the shortness of breath.

Just like cold/flu, the general advice that a physician can give you is you drink a lot of water/fluid and take a lot of rest.

Read More: A Few of the Must-Know Facts Regarding Corona Virus

Since it cannot be cured, it can be prevented. Some of the ways of preventing the spread of Corona Virus include:-

  • Washing hands regularly whether while indoors or outdoors
  • Avoid contact with infected persons or persons who have flu-like symptoms.
  • Stay highly hydrated at all times.
  • Eat a lot of food that are high in vitamins and those which boost your immune system.
  • Avoid hugs, kisses, handshakes or unnecessary crowds.
  • While in public, maintain one meter or more distancing from anybody, whether infected or not.
  • If working in a place where you cannot find running water, make sure you carry a hand sanitizer with you at all times and sanitize when necessary.

The World Health Organization (WHO) gave out Coronavirus Updates:- the organization declared CoronaVirus a world pandemic after it struck most countries, causing an imbalance in the stock market and caused a major drop in most currencies.

As of date, the world is fighting this deadly pandemic with almost 176 countries infected. There are more than 700,000 confirmed cases with at least 37,000 deaths worldwide.

Lately, news has it that Italy suffered the highest number of deaths over a short time, with the United States of America having the highest number of new infections worldwide.

With this statistics the World Health Organization is advising people to maintain social distancing, stay at home, sanitize regularly and most of all avoid unnecessary migrations/movements between countries if not continents.

Most countries have imposed lock downs, with others implementing curfews and giving civil workers forced leaves to curb the spread of this deadly virus.

As of now, below is a statistical report of the spread: – Infections 609,000 people, 174,000 Recovered and 40,600 Deaths.

Coronavirus Vaccine You Need To Know
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